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Clubs & Activities

Clubs Descriptions


AMERICAN SIGN LANGUAGE CLUB-All students welcome.  No prior knowledge of sign language required.

ADVANCED PLACEMENT (AP) - Advanced Placement Courses

NATIONAL ART HONOR SOCIETY-The art club is made up of students who have a general love for the fine arts. Any student may join and participate in activities that include exploratory and volunteer opportunities.

BAND– Membership is based on spring tryouts. Sections include Marching Band, Symphonic Band, Jazz Ensemble, Concert Band, and Aux/Dance Line.

BETA CLUB– Students must maintain a 90 average and required points for school and community service. Scholarship opportunities are available for senior members.

BOOK CLUB -The Central Gwinnett Book Club is an opportunity for students to read some great books and then get together and discuss them with their peers.

CAMELOT -Yearbook; the staff is composed of students who take yearbook which is offered as an elective.

CGLT Central Gwinnett Leadership Team- CGLT is a student leadership organization that identifies and develops student leaders at Central Gwinnett High School. Students participate in weekly training classes that teach them leadership principals and how to lead and impact the greater student body at Central Gwinnett.

CASTLE Alliance-  is determined by teacher nomination as well as an application process.

CREATIVE WRITING CLUB– To foster students’ creative writing in all genres and to serve as a clearinghouse for information about writing contests and publishing opportunities.

BASKETBALL DANCE TEAM -Open to all students interested in dance.

DECA Distributive Education Clubs of America -Open to all DE students. Members must be in the 11th grade and have a marketing job.

FBLA– Future Business Leaders of America is open to all students who are or have been enrolled in business classes.

FAMILY, CAREER, AND COMMUNITY LEADERS OF AMERICA (FCCLA)– Family, Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA) is open to all students that are either currently enrolled in Family & Consumer Science (FACS) classes or have taken FACS courses in the past and for teaching as a profession students, FCCLA builds leadership skills through community service opportunities and competition events.

FOREIGN LANG. HONORS SOCIETY–  Open to students who have completed 3 consecutive semesters of a foreign language with a grade of 90 or better in the target language as well as a 90 or better cumulative grade point average.

FRENCH CLUB– Open to all students.

FUTURE GEORGIA EDUCATORS- (FGE) Open to all teaching as profession students and students with an interest in a career in education.

GERMAN CLUB– Open to all students.

HISTORY&HOLLYWOOD CLUB– Open to all students.

HOSA– The purpose of the HOSA organization is to develop leadership and technical HOSA skill competencies through a program of motivation, awareness, and recognition, which is an integral part of the Health Science Education instructional program.

HOPE- The mission of HoPe is to increase the graduation rate among Hispanic high school students through leadership, education, and community service.

KEY CLUB– Open to all students through application and approval by the Board of Directors This club is focused on developing leadership skills.

LATIN CLUB– Open to all students who love classical culture.

MU ALPHA THETA- Mu Alpha Theta is a Math Honor Society. This society is a service-oriented association focused on promoting mathematics. Participation is based on maintaining a B average in math courses.  Students are eligible to participate in their sophomore year.

MUSIC HONOR SOCIETY– (TRI-M) The Tri-M Music Honor Society® is a program of NAfME which focuses on creating future leaders in music education and music advocacy.

NATIONAL ENGLISH HONORS– A nationally recognized academic honor society open to Sophomores, Juniors and Seniors, who have maintained at least a 3.0 average in Language Arts Classes, and who have been nominated by their teachers for membership. The club sponsors after-school reading and writing tutoring, The Poet’s Corner, and other activities to promote the love of literature and poetry at Central Gwinnett High School.

NATIONAL HONOR SOCIETY-By invitation based upon leadership, service, academic performance, and character.  Invitations are given to students during the Spring of their sophomore and junior years.

NATIONAL LATIN HONOR SOCIETY– The Association for the Promotion of the Study of Latin (APSL) is the nation’s oldest private organization dedicated to the promotion and study of the Latin language.

ORCHESTRA- Stringed instruments in concert.

PEER LEADERS– Peer leaders are seniors who are trained in leadership and communication and assist the counselors by tutoring and serving as mentors to students in the Central Gwinnett cluster.

RELAY FOR LIFE-Service organization that works throughout the school year to raise awareness and funds to eradicate cancer.

READER’S RALLY– is a quiz bowl style competition for students in grades 4-12. Students read books from the predetermined list and answer questions about those books.

SKILLS USA-SkillsUSA is a partnership of students, teachers, and industry working together to ensure America has a skilled workforce. SkillsUSA helps each student excel. We provide educational programs, events, and competitions that support career and technical education (CTE) in the nation’s classrooms.

SPANISH CLUB – Open to all students

SPEECH AND DEBATE CLUB-Speech and Debate is a competitive team focused on argumentation and presentation.  Students choose one of many disciplines in Speech and Debate and compete against students statewide.  Speech and Debate help develop critical thinking and public speaking skills.  Students participate in approximately twelve to fifteen competitions per year.

STUDENT COUNCIL– An organization of elected representatives who interact with officials on behalf of students.

THESPIAN SOCIETY– An organization devoted to the support of drama activities.

Technology Student Association (TSA)/Robotics- TSA is a national, non-profit organization of high school and middle school student members who are engaged in STEM. Since TSA was chartered in 1978, almost 4,000,000 members have participated in competitions, leadership opportunities, and community service. 





GSA– To provide support for all students and to promote a positive learning environment for all students.

PASS– Peers Aiding Student Success-A peer tutoring program designed to help students meet graduation requirements. Tutoring is available for all students. Club membership attained by teacher recommendation and GPA requirements

Club Faculty Contacts/Sponsors