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CGHS Family Engagement Center Information

Title I Faculty Contacts


Monday - Friday
8:00 AM - 2:00 PM


  • The CGHS Family Engagement Center is located at Central Gwinnett High School - across from the Main Office, next to the Student Support Center. 
  • Please enter the school at the bus lane entrance
  • There are designated parking spaces for visitors, including parallel parking available along the curbs. 
  • Se habla español.

Today's Parent Tip

Visit Us For...

Support for Central Gwinnett High School's "The Plan; The Promise" , including:

  • Brochures, Books and Other Student and Parent Resources to Use at Home
  • Effective Ways to be Involved in Your Teen's Education
  • Help Using Parent Portal and eClass
  • Assistance Connecting with Teachers and Administrators
  • Current Title I Information and Documents
  • Upcoming Family Workshops
  • Understanding Credits and Course History

Please see Ms. Keren Padilla's Parent-Center-Site for more information

ParentCenter Instagram

En Familia Con GCPS Podcast

    • En Familia Con GCPS logo
      En Familia con GCPS, es un podcast dedicado a ayudar a las familias y estudiantes hispanos de las escuelas públicas del condado de Gwinnett a navegar el sistema educativo. Durante este tiempo, estarán acompañados por Marisol Devarez, enlace comunitario y mediático del distrito y Lynnette Aponte, directora del centro internacional para recién llegados de GCPS. 
      En Familia Con GCPS Podcast
                                                   You can listen to the podcast on Spotify.

      Episodio de Nov 1: 
      La participación familiar es crucial para el crecimiento personal y emocional de nuestros estudiantes, pero ¿sabías que también es esencial para su éxito académico?

      En este episodio de En Familia con GCPS, la Coordinadora de Participación Familiar Milena Fuentes se une a nosotros para conversar sobre el valor de la participación de los padres en las escuelas, cómo las familias de estudiantes de kinder a quinto grado pueden obtener apoyo académico y la nueva serie del Departamento de Participación Familiar diseñada para empoderar, involucrar y equipar a nuestras familias con herramientas y habilidades de aprendizaje invaluables.


The Raising Highly Capable Kids workshop is coming to Central Gwinnett High School! This is part of the Parents First Initiative collaboration between Central Gwinnett High School, the Georgia Center for Opportunity, and Lawrenceville First United Methodist Church.


The Parents First Initiative is a partnership that provides...

  • workshops that teach the skills to equip your kids for life!
  • support to help you parent well.
  • community connections to engage our neighbors.


Visit to sign up and learn more.


What is Title I?


What is Title I?

  • Title I is the largest federal assistance program for schools.
  • Title I schools and districts receive funds based upon the percentage of students qualifying to receive free or reduced price school meals.
  • Title I has the goal of ensuring that all children have access to quality instruction and resources that will enable them to meet state academic standards.
  • Title I helps parents and families to be more involved in their child’s education.
  • Central Gwinnett High School has a schoolwide Title I program, meaning all students, families and staff can benefit from Title I funds.


How Are Title I Funds Used?

Title I funds can be used to:
  • Hire teachers
  • Provide supplemental professional learning for teachers
  • Purchase supplemental instructional materials
  • Improve curriculum
  • Enhance family engagement
  • Extend learning time for students who need extra help
  • Provide other activities that are tied to raising student achievement on the State’s academic achievement standards


How Can I Give Input Regarding the CGHS or GCPS Title I Programs?

Central Gwinnett High School Title I Program

Students, parents, family members and community members are always encouraged to give input regarding our school's Title I program. 

This can be done by...

  • participating in the annual Title I Planning Meeting and the annual Title I Draft Documents Review, which are held in the Spring.  Dates and times will be advertised to our stakeholders.
  • attending various Title I/CGHS Family Engagement Center meetings, which always have a feedback form that allows for comments regarding our Title I program.
  • communicating with our CGHS Family Engagement Center coordinator (Cassie Milligan) or Assistant Principal for Title I (Ashley Broome).

Please be aware that any comments regarding non-Title I areas will be forwarded to the appropriate school personnel. 


GCPS Title I Program

Students, parents, family members and community members are always encouraged to give input regarding our district's Title I program. 

This can be done by...

  • attending a Federal Programs Family-School Partnership Advisory Council meeting. (Dates TBA on the CGHS Parent Center website and the GCPS Federal Programs website.)
  • participating in the annual Title I Planning Meeting and the annual Title I Draft Documents Review, which are held in the Spring.  Dates and times will be advertised to our stakeholders.
  • attending various Title I/CGHS Parent Center meetings, which always have a feedback form that allows for comments regarding the GCPS Title I program. All comments are forwarded to the county office.
  • communicating with our CGHS Family Engagement Center coordinator (Cassie Milligan) or Assistant Principal for Title I (Ashley Broome).



CGHS Title I Contact Information


Parent Instructional Coordinator (PIC):
Keren Padilla



Title I Assistant Principal:
Ashley Broome



GCPS Title I Contact Information

Please visit the GCPS Federal and Special Programs page, which has additional information about the Title I program in Gwinnett County Public Schools.



Parent Portal: Monitoring Attendance


Watch the videos below to learn how to view attendance in the Parent Portal. 

Click here to watch the English video.

Click here to watch the Spanish video.


MyPayments Plus: Setting Up Account, Video (Multilingual)


Attendance: Importance, Absences, Excused Absence Form, etc.

Please help us to increase our student attendance percentages by ensuring your child is at school each day.

Why is attendance important for your teen?

  • Students learn the academic content best when they are present at school.
  • Research shows that missing 10 percent of the school year, or about 18 days, negatively affects a student’s academic performance. That’s just two days a month and that’s known as chronic absenteeism.
  • A pattern of absences may put a student at risk of not mastering the Common Core Curriculum/ Academic Knowledge and Skills (AKS) for their courses, which can be reflected in failing grades. 

How can you help with attendance?

  • Review the school calendar before scheduling appointments and vacations.
  • Schedule appointments after school or during school closings.
  • In the event your child has an appointment in the morning or afternoon of a school day, please bring them to school for part of that day based on their appointment time. They will have an opportunity to engage in learning for part of the day.
  • Monitor your teen's attendance via the Parent Portal.


What should I do if my teen is absent with my knowledge?

  • Complete the CGHS Excused Absence Form (see below) and return it to the CGHS Attendance Desk.   
  • Student absences are unexcused until the CGHS Excused Absence Form is completed and turned in to the CGHS Attendance Desk. 
  • Reasons to be excused are listed on the Excused Absence Form.  Vacation absences are not excused.
  • If your teenager is absent for several days, contact your child's teachers or the school.  Students who are absent from school for ten consecutive days (unexcused absences) may be withdrawn from school. Upon return, parents can re-enroll students, but placement in the previous classes cannot be guaranteed.


A state truancy law (O.C.G. Section 20-2-690.2) defines truant as “any child subject to compulsory school attendance who during the school calendar year has more than 5 days of unexcused absences.” Letters are automatically generated by Gwinnett County Public Schools for any student who misses 5 unexcused days from school. Parents will be invited to attend a Student Attendance Review Committee meeting with the counselor and social worker if there is a pattern of excessive absences which impacts student learning.

Students will not be allowed to check out after 1:40 p.m. A parent wishing his or her child to be released from school must sign out the student at the attendance desk (School of the Arts entrance). For security reasons, anyone checking out a student is required to show a picture I.D. (i.e. Driver’s License) prior to allowing the student to exit the building.  STUDENTS ARE ONLY RELEASED TO PARENTS OR ADULTS LISTED ON THE STUDENT'S EMERGENCY CONTACT INFORMATION.

For additional attendance concerns, please contact the CGHS Attendance Desk at 


Not Receiving Emails from CGHS? Verify Your Contact Information! Verify your Contact Information!

Check the ParentVUE for your email address and phone numbers on file. To make an update, contact the CGHS Student Support Center to make the change.

  • If your email appears correct, yet you still are not getting the school email blasts or emails from teachers, then:

    • Check your Junk Email and search for messages from Central Gwinnett High School and

    • Add to your email address book/contact list.

    • If Central Gwinnett HS email blasts are not in your Junk Email, then email the school at this link.


School Nutrition Program: School Meals Application, etc.

2024-25 Free and Reduced Cost Meals Application (Available in July 2024)

CGHS School Nutrition Program Website



School Concern: What Should I Do?

Gwinnett County Public Schools finds that the quickest and most effective way to resolve a concern regarding your child is by addressing it at the most direct level.

Addressing Concerns at School: Teacher, Assistant Principal, Principal, Assistant Superintendent, Associate Superintendent


In our school district, we care about each and every student. We also believe that open and honest communication between parents and teachers is a key to student success. Thank you for partnering with your child’s teacher and school to address any concerns.

1. Teacher - First, talk to your child’s teacher or a counselor at school for assistance. Most concerns are resolved at the
classroom level.

2. Assistant Principal - If the concern is not resolved at the classroom level, please visit with your child’s assistant principal.

3. Principal - If working with the AP does not adequately address the issue, please meet with the school principal.

4. Assistant Superintendent - If the issue persists, please call 678-301-6000, and ask to speak to the assistant superintendent who is assigned to the school your child attends.

5. Associate Superintendent's Office - If, after following steps one through four, your concern has not been resolved to your satisfaction, please contact the Associate Superintendent for School Improvement and Operations.

Other Resources
If you are experiencing an emergency, dial 9-1-1. The GCPS Hotline for anonymous reporting of potential violence is 770-822-6513. If you have a non-emergency criminal concern, please contact local law enforcement.

Please click one of the files for a downloadable view of this information:

ParentCenter Instagram

Student Success Tips Available to You 24/7

Central Gwinnett is excited to offer our families, students, and educators 24/7 access to the Central Gwinnett HS Digital Student Success Library! Materials are available in English and Spanish. 

  • A filter makes it easy to find resources by topic (e.g., academic, mental health) and/or by resource type (e.g., booklet, info / tip sheet, PowerPoint).
  • Once you find an item you’d like to read or view, just click on it and it will open up in a separate window.
  • You can then print, download, or share individual items, allowing you to easily provide your children and parents with valuable information on the topics of your choice.
  • Click here to go to the full website. 
  • Contact the CGHS Family Engagement Center for tips on how to use this awesome resource!

For Spanish resources:  Click "Topic" > "Spanish Editions" then choose your resource.   
Para los recursos en español:  Haga clic en "Topic" > " Spanish Editions" y luego elija su recurso.   

Username: cghs1
Password: cghs1


CGHS Family Engagement Center Presentations YouTube Video Playlist

The Office of Family Engagement Engage, Equip, Empower Series

The "EngageEquip, and Empower" series hosted by the Office of Family Engagement provides opportunities for families to participate in instructional sessions, workshops, events, and activities to engage with Gwinnett County Public Schools.  The series will provide opportunities for families to learn how to support their children at home in the core academic content areas, be active participants in their children’s education, and learn about resources, programs, and wraparound services to support their children.


GADOE: What Parents Need to Know About Copyright Piracy?

GaDOE Family-School Partnership Specialist Mandi Griffin provides information for parents, informing them of the harms of copyright piracy. Part of the ESSA/Title I law requires schools educate families about the harms of copyright piracy. Click here to watch the video (9 minutes, 45 seconds). 


Gwinnett County Public Library



GCPS Families Website

Thank you for making Gwinnett County Public Schools your choice in education. 

GCPS is committed to providing high-quality, rigorous learning opportunities for all students.  Our schools are excited to partner with students and families, working together to support students—from Pre-K to 12th grade—and to prepare them for success at the next grade level, in college, career, citizenship, and for life in our ever-changing world. Part of that support is ensuring that you have the resources and information you need. Explore our website and learn all that GCPS has to offer!

GCPS Students and Families Webpage


Education Tips for Parents


As a parent, you are your child's first and most important teacher, and the learning you do together doesn't stop when children head off to school. Click on the link below for ways to be an active part of your child's education.

Education Tips for Parents



Free Online Tutoring with
In partnership with the Gwinnett County Public Library (GCPL), GCPS now provides as an online tutoring resource for students.  
Live tutoring support is available daily from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. In addition, students can receive “drop-off support,” 24-7, by uploading a document for tutor feedback that will be reviewed and returned at a later time. 



eClass Resources (Videos, Quick Guides for eClass, Google Classroom, GSuite in Multiple Languages)

eClass image